Karsten International announcement Product of the Year Awards

Last month during the Karsten International New Year’s Meeting, Peter Karsten announced the winners of the Product of the Year Awards 2021. Due to the COVID-lockdown happening in the Netherlands, colleagues virtually joined the annual meeting to celebrate last year’s successes.


About the awards

In January 2020, Karsten International launched its very own product awards, designed to recon and acknowledge all the hard work and passion the Karsten Team puts in each year to create the best products, brands and experiences for our customers. Products are awarded in three categories: most sold product, most successful product and most promising product.

This year, some exciting new categories were introduced: best packaging design, most sold online product and most rapidly growing product category. The beautifully designed awards were handmade by Sharon Berndsen, our Creative Product Developer.


karsten product of the year awards 2021

Winners Product of the Year Awards 2021

Most Successful Product of 2020

Retro Pocket Game

Most sold product of 2020

Bamboo Tooth Brush

Most sold online product of 2020

Bluetooth Smart Scale

Best packaging design of 2020

A3 LED Brightpad

Most rapidly growing product category 2020

Peach Beauty

Most promising product for 2021

DIY Doll House

Congratulations to our winners and let’s make 2021 memorable by creating great new products and experiences!